Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy or Sad?

So about those midterm grades. When i recieved them the other day i wasnt as happy as i could have been. Yeah i tried my best but i could have done better. One of my classes is really hard and the professor isnt the best. In my opinion he shouldnt be teaching anymore, but thats just what i think. My other classes i havent really recieved that much work so my grade was reflected on 1 test that i took. 
 For my major my GPA has to be at least a 2.7. This to me is still way to low. i am hoping for at least a 3.0 or better. All my grades i am hoping to bring up at least a letter grade. The only one i am struggling with is my history class. Who likes history? Its definitley not my favorite subject but in college that doesnt matter, you have to do things to graduate. This semester has been very difficult to keep my attention on the class and even understand this class, knowing that i am failing. Not just me is failing this class, but a big majority of this class is failing. Doe that make since? To me it doesnt. I feel that a teacher shouldnt want to make his students fail.
My goal for my final grades is to start studying alot more so that my grades will increase greatly. I have started to start things earlier. For ex. start projects and essays earlier and not procrastinate.

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