Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The thing that influenced me the most

Do you know what you want to do when you get older? Well i have known since i was younger what major i wanted to go for. Everyone always says that people usually change their mind acouple times before they know their exact major but for me it was different. I want to be a elemenatary and special education teacher. On top of both those majors i have to declare an addition major. I think it might just be math, or maybe english, i dont kno yet.

So your probably wondering why i chose to become a teacher. Ever since i was little i always grew up around family. My family is quite large. It consists of 8 kids. Having so many kids aund the house, not everyone could be in the same place as once. So i was the one to babysit the younger ones. Whenever i would babysit my sisters always wanted to play teacher. I started to begin to enjoy teaching. I enjoy doing little arts and craft things, and coloring. I want to be able to make a differnece in someone elses life

The thing that really influenced me to want to be a teacher during high school was when i taught in the nursery school. In my high school we had a nursery school were kids from ages 2 1/2 to 5 could come for half day. This class i took all four years and really enjoyed it. To enter ther nursery school you had to take a child dev. class, which taught you the basics to understanding how children think. You also learned how to talk to children. Some people may think this is easy, but when you really learn and see how much you have to avoid, it can be challenging. I started as just a student who went into the nursery just to help when the teacher needed me, i then got to be an intern, which for me was a year course. This was an everyday class where you just took care of children. You were the head teachers assistants. After one year of doing that, i became a student teacher. A student teacher was the highest you could go, you were basically the teacher. Every once and a while the teaher would make us plan acouple days and actually run the class. On the days were out the student teachers were in charge of the children.

This teacher was the best teacher i had ever had. She enjoyed everyday when the kids came in, and loved every moment they were there. This made me realize that the kids were everything. During my years in this class you really become a family and the kids become like your own. She treated these kids like they were her own. She always there to comfort them when they cried, or were having a bad day. She really got down on their level to see what they liked and what they enjoyed. This made me realize how much i really enjoyed teaching kids. I want to be able to make a differnece in these kids lives, just like she did. She made the experience for the kids fun and enjoyable. This is the most important thing for children because when children have a bad experience in nursery school they have a harder time moving on.

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