Saturday, October 30, 2010

Everyone has their own comfort zone

Have you ever did anything out of your confort zone? Well this week in class our assignment was to do something that was out of your comfort zone and blog about it. My biggest fear is the dark. So this week i stepped out of my comfort zone and actually sacrificed going outside late at night. I was told to take my dog outside. Usually i make an excuse and have someone else bring him out. This time i felt that it was my time to face my fear.
Doing this, actually made me realize that its not so bad. I feel that this task actually made me do something that i probably wouldnt have done.
Another thing that was out of my comfort zone was going shopping and getting everything all at once. If you knew how i shopped you would probably say i lived at the store. One day i figured i would ploan it so that everything that we needed we would get in one trip. I didnt like this so much. I realize that going to the store everyday, multiple times a day was something i was used to. It felt very weird to just go once the whole day . Many people would ask me why i go so many times. My answer is usally because my family has so many people in it. Having twelve people live in your house is hard to just go once to the store. In doing this as outside of my comfort zone i learned that i dont like it and will not do it again

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