Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Journeys of School

Google This week in class we had to read three different articles on different topics. The article that i thought stood out was called "Grade Inflation in America Education." This article basically stated that students are studying less because of the grading system. Some schools changed their grading systems so that their kids grades would look good. I feel that this is not right at all. Students should work hard for their grades. Yes everyone has those days they don't want to study, but by changing the system makes kids feel like they never have to study. When the kids get older and have to go take for ex. their driving test or other ones to get a job, they r going to feel like they don't have to study. I think that this is a terrible method for schools to do. In the end the school may be benefiting from it but the student aren't going to learn anything. 

Another article we had to read was called "students expectations seen as causing grade disputes." This article explained how kids feel that they deserve better grades then they receive. My opinion on this issue is that sometimes i do feel that students do deserve better grades but other times i don't. I know being a student now there are some papers or projects that i work very hard on and sometimes receive a grade lower then i deserve. But sometimes students like to lie and say they worked so hard on something but in reality they only did it the night before. Yes you go to class and participate and read the chapters you are supposed to, and i feel you should get some credit for doing that, but how successful you are in these tasks should determine your grade. Being in class is important, but the effort and time you put into something should pay off in the end.

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