Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is technology Good or Bad?

Have you ever had to interview someone who you don’t know before? I feel that interviewing people is the hardest thing to do, especially people I don’t know. For our midterm project we had to pick a topic and form questions. From these questions we had to go and ask professors, students, and a leader of a club, team or organization. For my topic I picked: Technology.

Technology is a big thing in today’s world. You always see people on their phones or on the computer. People have gotten to wrapped up in tech, that they can’t stop. If you ask a student how long they could go without their cell phone, they would problem reply not long. I know for me my cell phone is everything. If I don’t have it I feel lost. Cell phones are the biggest thing in car accidents.Many car accidents sometimes are related to either texting or talking on the phone.People get to distracted. Another big thing is face book. Face book is probably the biggest distraction to many people.I know when i am doing paper or studying the first thing i do is check facebook. People will be on it during classes, or even when they are doing their homework. Tech. is a big thing that leads to procrastination.

So here is what I have so far and if you want give feedback and or more questions that you believe will make me successful in doing this project.

  • How much time during the day would you say you spend either texting or talking on the phone?

  • Do you feel that texting and the newer tech. like face book, are affecting students grade. And if so why?

  • Do you feel that tech. could be an influence in people’s lives?

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