Saturday, September 11, 2010

Overcome the challenge

   The biggest challenge for me coming to college was being shy. Throughout my years of school i was always the quietest one who didnt say much. I still am. I walked into the university and was very overwhelmed. There were so many people and i didnt know any of them. I didnt think that it was going to be possible to meet knew people. I realized that i just made this big step in getting to college and why waste my time being the shy one. I want to make my college experience fun and enjoyable and i cant do that sitting in the corner not talking. It was time to "step out of my shell." 

  By the third or fourth day of college i still was having trouble "breaking the shell," but then the day came when i opened my mouth. I was always scared what people would think of me. But now, i realize i shouldn't care what others think. I met a lot of new people and am glad that i "broke that shell."

  Even though i was now meeting people i was still the shy one in class. I hate talking in front of classes or even answering questions when the teacher asks them. I have a fear that whatever comes out of my mouth is always wrong. I feel that people are going to laugh because i said something wrong. Being shy is hard when going to another environment your not used to. If theres any advice i could give to those that are shy, i would have to say, just go for it and "break that shell" early, because you'll never know what would have happened if you don't open up.

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