Saturday, September 18, 2010

What Inspires You?

Soccer to me means playing as a team and having fun. I have been playing soccer basically my whole life. I started when I was five and continued until I got injured. Playing soccer was my time to relax and do what I like to do. Throughout my years of playing soccer I have played on many teams. I remember when I had just started to play and I was one of the better people on the team. I was the one who always scored the goals. One game the coach had to take me of the field because I had scored to many goals. As I got older and really got into the game, soccer became my life. Most of the week was spent at practices and weekends at games. I played for travel teams, premier teams and eventually varsity high school. Those where the best days. Going into my freshman year of high school, I didn’t know what to expect. There’s a thing called “preseason” before the year begins and people always used to tell me how hard it was. So going my first day I was nervous. Yes, preseason was a challenge and at times very difficult, but when you put your mind into something you could achieve anything. So that’s what I did. Preseason actually taught me a lot of discipline. It showed me that if you want something bad enough you will push yourself. If you didn’t attend one day you were behind of all the people who were there.  This made me want to go everyday. By the end of preseason I was happy that I pushed myself. I was now on varsity and living my dream.

Time management is another big thing you have to realize when playing sports. Varsity soccer took up a lot of time during the week, so you had to find time to do your homework. Most of my homework was done on the bus going to games so I knew it was done and I didn’t have to do it when I got home. You have to realize that when you play a high school sport, everything has to revolve around it. You have to realize whats more important.

I had always dreamed of playing soccer in college and maybe going further. But one day changed it. I was playing in a game and the next I knew I was having knee surgery. I couldn’t play my last year of high school because I was in a full leg cast and on crutches. This hurt a little because I knew that my senior year was the time for college reps. to recruit.  I knew my dream had ended when the year was up and I was still on crutched. My knee was no where near healing. It took almost a year and a half to get a little better, and its still to this day is not healed all the way. I’m in college now and still wishing I could play

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