Sunday, September 5, 2010

As i grew up, i learned the most important word that would help me through life. "Family". I realized as years went on, that whenever something went wrong or i needed advise, family was always there to help. Family was the key to me doing good and being successful in school. Everytime i had a project due, who was always there to help: family. Whenever my projects werent done and i stayed up late, i wasnt the only one up, family was always there supporting. If there was ever a problem and i needed someone to talk to i always knew that i had my family to tell and not get judged. "family" are the people who are the people you look up to. If i didnt have family growing up, i wouldnt be the person i am today.

Have you ever had a dream to do something? Well ever since i was five ive had a dream to become a professional soccer player. I loved being on the field and being able to enjoy something i really liked doing. As i got older i wanted it more and more, and practiced harder and basically was at practice most of the week. High school came and i was kind of living my dream already. I was on the varsity team and enjoying it. My dream to play in college was looking really good, until my senior year. Going into senior year i tore many things in my knee and needed surgery. There went my dream. I was out for a year and a half and still not heeled fully. Soccer was one thing that really made me happy. Ever since then i go to watch my team play and cheer them on because even though im not on that field, some part of me is.

Being shy was one of the most difficult struggles through school. If you are shy you could relate. Growing up i was always the quiet kid in school. Many people thought that i was stuck up because i didnt talk much, but this wasnt true. I was just shy. People always ask me kno if i would change being shy if i could go back. In my opinion i believe that being shy has made me the individual i am now. Now being in college i am still shy, but not as bad. Even though i would have met more people if i wasnt shy, i enjoyed just having the friends i had. I didnt wanna be the big "popular" one in school because i didnt want all the attention on me.

Throught school theres one thing that i have learned is the most important thing to succeed. Responsibility. Throughout my life i have had to realize what that word actually ment. I have 8 sisters and brothers, and had to be the help in the fmaily. Responsibility was a big thing to have. If we didnt have it nothing was going to get done. You had to be able to know when things were due, know what time you had to be places, and you always had to be around if someone needed babysitting. When kids are younger they feel they dont need responsibility until they are adults, but that isnt true. Having learned it since i was little made me a better person. Responsibility has helped me with my career that i have chosen. Being a elementary and special education teacher requires alot of responsibilities.

I would consider my self very loving. I have a big heart when it comes to things. I love to go out of my way to help people do things. When someone needs someone to talk to i am always there. I would also consider myself caring. I am always the one to make sure that everyone is safe. I am always the one to make sure everyone get home at night. These characeristics i feel have come from when i was growing up.

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