Saturday, September 25, 2010

Where does time go?

What does time management mean to you? In my opinion i believe that time management means doing a variety of things, but understanding how much time in the day you have to accomplish everything. The biggest downfall when it comes to time management is "procrastination." Procrastination is a word most people wish didnt exist. But the question is: why do we procrastinate? Many people would say because they have other things to do, or for some they just dont want to do it.

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When i came to college it was a big shocker. Adjusting to college was the biggest thing i worried about. I knew college was different from highschool but when i stepped on to campus i realized how different it really was. When i went into my first class, i didnt know what to expect. I didnt know if i should expect alot of homework and very little. Now that we are acouple weeks in i realize it differs from every class.

I would consider myself somewhat of an organized person. So coming into college i made sure that i got a planner to right everything down. I realized that between school, work, studying, and having a social life i  had to keep track of everything. I would definitly call myself a procrastinator, which is not the best thing to be. Sometimes i wait till the last minute to do things which in college really doesnt work. I have tried really hard to manage my time well. I have started doing things earlier to get them out of the way. In between classed i try really hard to go to the library and do homework for the class i had.
I believe that time management is the key to success. If you dont manage your time correctly especially in college, you will be more stressed. If you have a paper you should at least start it a week before so that if you have questions for the teacher you could ask them.

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