Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Day of Eating!

As we all know one of the best holidays has just passed. Thanksgiving is a day tht people get together with the people they love and be greatful for everything the have. This is the time when people eat ALL day.  I know for me i enjoy this. There are so many different varieties of food to choose from. I never know what to choose. So in the end, i find that i try alittle of everything. My Favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is the mash potatoes. Unlike alot of people i dont have many foods to choose from. I am allergic to most of them. So my "dessert" for the night was mash potatoes.
So for me thanksgiving is more about spending time with the family.

If we were talking about food on a regular basis, I would have to say I enjoy eating pasta and butter. This is something I could eat for breakfast lunch and dinner. Yeah its bad for you but, it just tastes so good. My family is really Italian so we love to eat pasta. Every Sunday my family has a big family dinner. Our meals consist of 3 to 4 courses. First it’s the salad then the pasta then the veggies and then the main course. After dinner on these days, most of the time when you look around my house everyone is almost sleeping. By this time everyone is full and tired. So in my italian house food is a big part of our life.

Elmos world

So here is the begining of my final movie. It isnt to much but its a start. I would really enjoy if people could give me comments on things to add and or take out.Thanks!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Have you ever been a leader?

What does it mean to be a leader?
Being a leader is a big quality people look for in a person. Never be that follower. Being a leader to me means taking responsibility and being a role model. A leader is someone others should be able to look up to.
Going through school i always liked doing individual projects. I always felt that i didnt have to wait or count on anyone else. Coming to college i found out that many things are done in groups. This was a big change for me. Now i was getting a little nervous. But i realized that if i had control and was able to lead it alittle maybe i would be able to push my group to get it done quickly but neatly.
I stepped up in this projected and took the spot as leader. As a group we came together and figured out what needed to be done adn who was going to do what. I figured by doing this we would accomplish many different things: first everyone would know what they had to do and when it had to be ready. This way not everything was being done at the end. I made sure that everything was done acouple days before so that i could put it together. I feel that by doing this it helped alot in the project. I felt that it worked very well. Even though i didnt like telling people what had to be done, it worked and we got a good grade on the project.

Whats more important?

Everyone goes through a difficult time sometime in their life. Well started college i experienced one of my most difficult situations. I came into college working over 30hours, being a full time student, and wanting a little free time of my own. I went through a month of school struggling to get homework done and it was even harder to study. I was losing sleep, and i started drinking coffee. This was something i didn't want to do. I had to make a big decision. It was either to try to keep up and tire myself out or change something in my routine. Yes, i needed money but in the end what was going to benefit me more in the long run? I was always scared to talk to my boss and tell her that i wanted to cut my hours down. So i struggled for a while to work, go to school and have fun. But it came to a point where i had to say something.

Was my boss happy with me? No not at all. This was the part i was nervous about. I am not the type of person who likes to get yelled at. I explained that i needed to cut my hours down because i was struggling to keep up with school: and she didnt understand that. I guess she doesnt realize that to be a good student and get good grades it take up alot of your time. Well my situation ended with me doing what i htought was right. I started doing better and getting things done. Yes i had to sacrifice losing money here and there, but in the end i had to think what was more important.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Studying makes a difference

How would you feel if your child stop studying and trying in school? I know that my parents would be very upset. Parents try so hard to make their child sucessful. Schools are making it easier for children to stop studying because they want their school to look good. In my opinion i feel that this is not right to do . Children should be able to feel that they acomplished something on their own, they shouldnt just have it handed to them. By schools doign this, it is going to be harder for kids to adjust as they go to the next level.
Why would everyone want o be the same? When schools use grade inflation, it really isnt letting the kids have individuality. All the children will have aproximatley the same GPA and not one student is going to stand out. I feel that the students grades should reflect on the work that they do. If a child works hard i feel that they deserve a higher grade then somone wh really doesnt try. In the end working hard really doesnt pay off becasue everyones grades would be the same.
Do children benefit from grade inflation? In reality no. Children are not going to learn anything. I know that when i dont study i feel really lost the next day in class. Imagine not studying for mot of the year. I feel that grade inflaion is going to effect the intelligence of peole in school. In the end, there may be less kids attending college. Some may feel overwhelmed as they gt older, because of the fact that their grades were handed to them throught their years of school

Its your life

Everyone has their own way of relieving stress. Some people get violent and then there are some people who keep it to themselves. In y opinion i feel that violence is never the answer to anything. I find that the best way to relieve stress for me is to go to the gym. Many people would ask why?  When i go to the gym its my alone time. I work out at my own pace and i enjoy listening to music. Music is one thing that allows mw to cool down. When ever i get stressed i put music on and it make everything seem like its nothing.
These last couple of weeks have been very stressful between school and family things, so i decided to go to the gym. I pop in my headphones and exclude the world until i am finished. Yeah every now and then i see people that i know but usually i try avoiding them. Some people may say its boring to go to the gym by yourself, but its rather relaxing.

Stress is one thing that could affect alot. It is a big factor in health issues. Alot of people dont realize that getting themselves so stressed out could affect their health. There are ways that stress can be handled but people dont realize. I think that the worst thing to so is keep everything locked up inside. I have tried this many times but it just leads to depression and health problems. If you could avoid stress, do so. Some other ways that people handle stress, is by having a stress ball. Being able to squeeze it reveals all the anger along with the stress.