Saturday, November 6, 2010

Studying makes a difference

How would you feel if your child stop studying and trying in school? I know that my parents would be very upset. Parents try so hard to make their child sucessful. Schools are making it easier for children to stop studying because they want their school to look good. In my opinion i feel that this is not right to do . Children should be able to feel that they acomplished something on their own, they shouldnt just have it handed to them. By schools doign this, it is going to be harder for kids to adjust as they go to the next level.
Why would everyone want o be the same? When schools use grade inflation, it really isnt letting the kids have individuality. All the children will have aproximatley the same GPA and not one student is going to stand out. I feel that the students grades should reflect on the work that they do. If a child works hard i feel that they deserve a higher grade then somone wh really doesnt try. In the end working hard really doesnt pay off becasue everyones grades would be the same.
Do children benefit from grade inflation? In reality no. Children are not going to learn anything. I know that when i dont study i feel really lost the next day in class. Imagine not studying for mot of the year. I feel that grade inflaion is going to effect the intelligence of peole in school. In the end, there may be less kids attending college. Some may feel overwhelmed as they gt older, because of the fact that their grades were handed to them throught their years of school

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