Saturday, December 18, 2010

Final Assignment

Throughout this semester I, individually feel that I met most of the course goals. It was difficult to transform from being a high school student to being on my own in college. I was a difficult task but I feel that this class helped me a lot. As I entered college I was trying to get school work done, working 30 hours a week and also trying to have a social life. I didn’t think that this would be possible to do all at once but this class was able to show me that I could. Having time management is a big part of college. You have to be able to manage a lot on your plate and get it all done on time and with good quality. I also learned that in between school, work and a social life you have to put in time to sleep and eat. At the start of college sleeping and eating began to lack because I was feeling overwhelmed and felt I didn’t have time to do everything in a day. But I learned how to manage my time. I cut back my work schedule and started studying more for classes.
My biggest goal of this semester was to meet a lot of new people and get a GPA of at least 3.0. I know for a fact that one of my goals was definitely accomplished. I met a lot of knew friends. I though that it would be good to try knew things so I rushed a sorority. All the girls were very nice but in the end I found that it wasn’t for me so I quit. Yes I enjoyed it very much, but it took up most of my time. I found that it was harder to work and I found myself slacking on my work. My other goal I am hoping was accomplished. I will find out when all my final grades come out. I feel that I worked hard this semester and my grades should reflect it. 
On the first day of inquiry class I sat down and at first I was a little overwhelmed. I thought that class was just a class to help us with our other classes, but it wasn’t what I thought. This class was a whole other class with addition work. The teacher explained that the rubric for the class was on the computer, so the first thing when I got home was I went on the computer to read it. As I opened it up I got even more overwhelmed. It was so many pages. As I read the syllabus, I began to read the requirements. It started with blogs, then it went to campus safari’s, and it went on. The main part of this course was blogs. I didn’t really enjoy them that much but it was my grade so I had to do it. I feel that I accomplished it mainly. Yeah I missed a couple blogs here and there but I feel that the ones that I completed were writing well and completed the requirement. For each blog I always had at least one picture and sometimes two. They were always over the 250 word requirement and it had my own style. Campus safari on the other hand I felt I accomplished very well. Out of 16 I missed two, which I feel is ok. It was hard for me to get to performances because I liked off campus and I worked a lot. So I feel that I met the requirements for those. Sometimes I felt as if they were difficult to do one for every Thursday because once again I lived off campus and after class I had to leave campus.

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses when they do something. I feel that throughout this semester my biggest weakness was procrastination. I always kept most of the assignments until last moment. Yes I worked my hardest on them but sometimes I pulled all nighters to get them done. This is something that for next semester I don’t want to be doing. Procrastination is a bad thing and should have never been invented. I know that because I experienced it during my first semester I know that things have to change for future semesters. I would have to say that my biggest strength would probably be organization. I found that coming from high school I knew I had to change my ways. I was always messy and my papers were all over. As I entered college I made sure I had a binder, folders, and a planner to keep me on top of things. This kept me very organized with all my classes and helped me be a very successful student.  Something else I found that was a struggle was time management. This course was based on helping us with different skills and multitasking. I found that by the end of the semester I accomplished the goal.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Do you know your strenght and weaknesses?

Weaknesses? Strengths?... Well i would have to say my biggest weakness would have to have been procrastination. This semester i was the student who put everything to the night before. It wasnt the best thing to try and do my best the night before but it happened. I know that for this semester my biggest thing is going to be getting all the assignments out of the way. The sooner the better.
Another big weakness of mine would have  had to have been time management. Between work and schoola dn haveing a social life i didnt make enough time for everything. I pushed more on work and having a social life then i did for school. This i know has to change because school is most important. Coming from highschool, it was a big adjustment and i dont think that i made it completley. I was always used to people guiding me that it was a big shock being on my own. By the end of the first semester i feel that i accomplished that and i am ready to start the second semester off good.
My greatest success would have to have been getting good grades. Even though i procrastinated, my grades kept up.

When you believe you could achieve

So next semester i realize things have to be different. Personally i realize that i need to learn to make more time on studying and school work , rather then work. This semester i spent a big majority of my time working. By the end of the semester i realized that when i look back on my first semester i really didnt do alot of studying or i put it off till last minute. Even though my grades are good this semester i want them to be even better as the semesters go on. Because of my my class scheldule for next semester i cut my hours down at work a lot. This will allow me to focus more on my education.
My academnic goal for next semester is to strive for a higher GPA. Even though my grades were good this semester, i want to try to do alot better. I know that without my history class dragging my grade down i will do so much better.
Socially my goal is to meet  more people. I feel that yeah coming into college i met a lot of new people in my classes but i think that its not as many as i could make if i joined organizations. My goal is to get more involved in clubs. This semester i went from class to home. Because i dont live on campus its harder for me to stay around. With cutting my work hours down i hope to be able to stay on campus and see what they offer.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Learning Community

What do i think about southerns learning community?....Well i think that having two classes with the same kids really helped. We all get along and work very well together. I feel that the learning community made us learn more about each other, then we would have if we only saw each other once every other day. On top of the learning communities we were put in, our INQ class had little "groups" we were put in. I feel that these groups were helpful because it was only 3 or 4 of us and we could get things done. Yes sometimes it was hard to meet with everyone, but in the end it was helpful because you always had someone to give you advice. My first group was alittle more difficult to deal with because i am a commuter and everyone else lived on campus. On top of this i didnt have my liscence and they all played sports. The times they all wanted to meet was alittle difficult because it was always at like 10 or 11. But other then this i felt that the learning communities are a good idea. When you have the same people in more then one class, i feel that it helps alittle more getting adjusted to college because you have other people there to help you. One thing that i thought was a big benefit fromt eh learning community was during the time of the midterm and final projects. I feel that without the ideas from my froup, my project would have been very boring.

My Future

After college? Its so hard to imagine whats going to be an ideal life after college seeing as its my first semester as a freshman, But here it goes. Well so far its not going to well. I planned on getting a good GPA, but one of my classes is really hurting it. So first i have to get that up so i could graduate high in my class. By the time i am out of college i am hopefully going to have my own apartment. My dream has always been to live on the beach, so when i get this apartment i want it to be either across from the beach or on the beach. By this time i would like to own a pretty decent car. Preferably either a blue or black car.
I hope that after i graduate, get a job, car and an apartment i would like to have a family. OH yeah i forgot first i have to find a guy. My dream has always been to have twins. But i want identical twin girls. I mean if they end up to be two boys its ok but i really want them to be idential.
My dream job has always been to teacher kindergarten in my old elementary school. I always thought it would be nice to be able to go back and charish the good times.