Saturday, December 11, 2010

When you believe you could achieve

So next semester i realize things have to be different. Personally i realize that i need to learn to make more time on studying and school work , rather then work. This semester i spent a big majority of my time working. By the end of the semester i realized that when i look back on my first semester i really didnt do alot of studying or i put it off till last minute. Even though my grades are good this semester i want them to be even better as the semesters go on. Because of my my class scheldule for next semester i cut my hours down at work a lot. This will allow me to focus more on my education.
My academnic goal for next semester is to strive for a higher GPA. Even though my grades were good this semester, i want to try to do alot better. I know that without my history class dragging my grade down i will do so much better.
Socially my goal is to meet  more people. I feel that yeah coming into college i met a lot of new people in my classes but i think that its not as many as i could make if i joined organizations. My goal is to get more involved in clubs. This semester i went from class to home. Because i dont live on campus its harder for me to stay around. With cutting my work hours down i hope to be able to stay on campus and see what they offer.

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