Saturday, December 4, 2010

Learning Community

What do i think about southerns learning community?....Well i think that having two classes with the same kids really helped. We all get along and work very well together. I feel that the learning community made us learn more about each other, then we would have if we only saw each other once every other day. On top of the learning communities we were put in, our INQ class had little "groups" we were put in. I feel that these groups were helpful because it was only 3 or 4 of us and we could get things done. Yes sometimes it was hard to meet with everyone, but in the end it was helpful because you always had someone to give you advice. My first group was alittle more difficult to deal with because i am a commuter and everyone else lived on campus. On top of this i didnt have my liscence and they all played sports. The times they all wanted to meet was alittle difficult because it was always at like 10 or 11. But other then this i felt that the learning communities are a good idea. When you have the same people in more then one class, i feel that it helps alittle more getting adjusted to college because you have other people there to help you. One thing that i thought was a big benefit fromt eh learning community was during the time of the midterm and final projects. I feel that without the ideas from my froup, my project would have been very boring.

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