Saturday, December 18, 2010

Final Assignment

Throughout this semester I, individually feel that I met most of the course goals. It was difficult to transform from being a high school student to being on my own in college. I was a difficult task but I feel that this class helped me a lot. As I entered college I was trying to get school work done, working 30 hours a week and also trying to have a social life. I didn’t think that this would be possible to do all at once but this class was able to show me that I could. Having time management is a big part of college. You have to be able to manage a lot on your plate and get it all done on time and with good quality. I also learned that in between school, work and a social life you have to put in time to sleep and eat. At the start of college sleeping and eating began to lack because I was feeling overwhelmed and felt I didn’t have time to do everything in a day. But I learned how to manage my time. I cut back my work schedule and started studying more for classes.
My biggest goal of this semester was to meet a lot of new people and get a GPA of at least 3.0. I know for a fact that one of my goals was definitely accomplished. I met a lot of knew friends. I though that it would be good to try knew things so I rushed a sorority. All the girls were very nice but in the end I found that it wasn’t for me so I quit. Yes I enjoyed it very much, but it took up most of my time. I found that it was harder to work and I found myself slacking on my work. My other goal I am hoping was accomplished. I will find out when all my final grades come out. I feel that I worked hard this semester and my grades should reflect it. 
On the first day of inquiry class I sat down and at first I was a little overwhelmed. I thought that class was just a class to help us with our other classes, but it wasn’t what I thought. This class was a whole other class with addition work. The teacher explained that the rubric for the class was on the computer, so the first thing when I got home was I went on the computer to read it. As I opened it up I got even more overwhelmed. It was so many pages. As I read the syllabus, I began to read the requirements. It started with blogs, then it went to campus safari’s, and it went on. The main part of this course was blogs. I didn’t really enjoy them that much but it was my grade so I had to do it. I feel that I accomplished it mainly. Yeah I missed a couple blogs here and there but I feel that the ones that I completed were writing well and completed the requirement. For each blog I always had at least one picture and sometimes two. They were always over the 250 word requirement and it had my own style. Campus safari on the other hand I felt I accomplished very well. Out of 16 I missed two, which I feel is ok. It was hard for me to get to performances because I liked off campus and I worked a lot. So I feel that I met the requirements for those. Sometimes I felt as if they were difficult to do one for every Thursday because once again I lived off campus and after class I had to leave campus.

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses when they do something. I feel that throughout this semester my biggest weakness was procrastination. I always kept most of the assignments until last moment. Yes I worked my hardest on them but sometimes I pulled all nighters to get them done. This is something that for next semester I don’t want to be doing. Procrastination is a bad thing and should have never been invented. I know that because I experienced it during my first semester I know that things have to change for future semesters. I would have to say that my biggest strength would probably be organization. I found that coming from high school I knew I had to change my ways. I was always messy and my papers were all over. As I entered college I made sure I had a binder, folders, and a planner to keep me on top of things. This kept me very organized with all my classes and helped me be a very successful student.  Something else I found that was a struggle was time management. This course was based on helping us with different skills and multitasking. I found that by the end of the semester I accomplished the goal.

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