Saturday, December 11, 2010

Do you know your strenght and weaknesses?

Weaknesses? Strengths?... Well i would have to say my biggest weakness would have to have been procrastination. This semester i was the student who put everything to the night before. It wasnt the best thing to try and do my best the night before but it happened. I know that for this semester my biggest thing is going to be getting all the assignments out of the way. The sooner the better.
Another big weakness of mine would have  had to have been time management. Between work and schoola dn haveing a social life i didnt make enough time for everything. I pushed more on work and having a social life then i did for school. This i know has to change because school is most important. Coming from highschool, it was a big adjustment and i dont think that i made it completley. I was always used to people guiding me that it was a big shock being on my own. By the end of the first semester i feel that i accomplished that and i am ready to start the second semester off good.
My greatest success would have to have been getting good grades. Even though i procrastinated, my grades kept up.

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