Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is technology Good or Bad?

Have you ever had to interview someone who you don’t know before? I feel that interviewing people is the hardest thing to do, especially people I don’t know. For our midterm project we had to pick a topic and form questions. From these questions we had to go and ask professors, students, and a leader of a club, team or organization. For my topic I picked: Technology.

Technology is a big thing in today’s world. You always see people on their phones or on the computer. People have gotten to wrapped up in tech, that they can’t stop. If you ask a student how long they could go without their cell phone, they would problem reply not long. I know for me my cell phone is everything. If I don’t have it I feel lost. Cell phones are the biggest thing in car accidents.Many car accidents sometimes are related to either texting or talking on the phone.People get to distracted. Another big thing is face book. Face book is probably the biggest distraction to many people.I know when i am doing paper or studying the first thing i do is check facebook. People will be on it during classes, or even when they are doing their homework. Tech. is a big thing that leads to procrastination.

So here is what I have so far and if you want give feedback and or more questions that you believe will make me successful in doing this project.

  • How much time during the day would you say you spend either texting or talking on the phone?

  • Do you feel that texting and the newer tech. like face book, are affecting students grade. And if so why?

  • Do you feel that tech. could be an influence in people’s lives?

A Dream Come True

Southern Connecticut Website

Google images

Have you ever had one of those days where you just didn’t want to do anything, but you had to. This was one of those days. I was tired and I didn’t want to go to class or work. This was one of my longer days. I had school from 8-1230 and then work from 1-6. By the end I wanted to sleep. I was really debating whether or not to go to the football game. In the end I decided what would a couple more hours be if I already lasted most of the day not sleeping. I got to the game early for the tailgate part. The tailgate at our school is a time where all the students come together for food and music and some even got free tee-shirts. This was the time to socialize and hang out with friends.

Game time was almost here. This game wasn’t just any game; this game was going to be the first time in a long time that the team would be featured on TV. For a D-2 team this is pretty cool because many d-2 teams are never seen on TV. The crowd was rather big for southern, but the other team (American International) you couldn’t say the same for. They had very few people cheering them on. They had to have no more than 90-100 people. In the beginning I feel that the team got off on a bad start, but as the game went on I feel that they warmed up and started playing as if they wanted to win. You then realized that the game really meant something to them.
 I don’t really know a lot about football, but I do know that we won pretty big. The final score was 28-7. This was a big win especially on live TV.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Look further then the rainbow

Why do you believe it is good to read other peoples blogs rather then just reading people you know? In my opinion i think that it is very helpful to read other peoples blogs. It gives me a chance to see how others write adn to see other peoples viewpoints on things. This week our assignment was to find two professional blogs that were somewhat different and something we were interested in.

The first blog i found that caught my eye was called "Teachers" by Gwyn von Telinde. This article was interesting to me becasue when i grow up my goal is to become a teacher. This article basically talked about how the writter enjoyed her job as a teacher but was blogging to let people know that there are challenges in being a teacher. Even though you may live somewhere where most students are exceeding in school, theres always a few who struggle. The article also interested me because it showed that not only do kids "dread" going bac to school, but teacher have a hard time adjusting to the time change from summer to school time. This article really made me think of all the exciting and challenging things i am going to be facing in my future.

The second article i found was "Help! im losing my patience" by Diane. This article basically was about a secartary who saw the challenges of being a teacher, but eventually ended up being a teacher. The secretary always saw this teacher step out of her class to take a deep breathe. Eventually she found the curiage to become a teacher but in the end started to feel just like the other teacher had felt. I enjoyed this article because it shows how even though teaching may be stressful, the kids are a joy to teach.

Google images

These articles are really similar in many ways. It shows how teaching has many challenges. I feel that they were different in ways because one decribed more of  how you have to have patience and one was descibing the change from summer to school time. I believe they were good blogs to look at because they show prospectives coming from someone who has delt with the challenges and has experienced them.

Where does time go?

What does time management mean to you? In my opinion i believe that time management means doing a variety of things, but understanding how much time in the day you have to accomplish everything. The biggest downfall when it comes to time management is "procrastination." Procrastination is a word most people wish didnt exist. But the question is: why do we procrastinate? Many people would say because they have other things to do, or for some they just dont want to do it.

google images

When i came to college it was a big shocker. Adjusting to college was the biggest thing i worried about. I knew college was different from highschool but when i stepped on to campus i realized how different it really was. When i went into my first class, i didnt know what to expect. I didnt know if i should expect alot of homework and very little. Now that we are acouple weeks in i realize it differs from every class.

I would consider myself somewhat of an organized person. So coming into college i made sure that i got a planner to right everything down. I realized that between school, work, studying, and having a social life i  had to keep track of everything. I would definitly call myself a procrastinator, which is not the best thing to be. Sometimes i wait till the last minute to do things which in college really doesnt work. I have tried really hard to manage my time well. I have started doing things earlier to get them out of the way. In between classed i try really hard to go to the library and do homework for the class i had.
I believe that time management is the key to success. If you dont manage your time correctly especially in college, you will be more stressed. If you have a paper you should at least start it a week before so that if you have questions for the teacher you could ask them.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What Inspires You?

Soccer to me means playing as a team and having fun. I have been playing soccer basically my whole life. I started when I was five and continued until I got injured. Playing soccer was my time to relax and do what I like to do. Throughout my years of playing soccer I have played on many teams. I remember when I had just started to play and I was one of the better people on the team. I was the one who always scored the goals. One game the coach had to take me of the field because I had scored to many goals. As I got older and really got into the game, soccer became my life. Most of the week was spent at practices and weekends at games. I played for travel teams, premier teams and eventually varsity high school. Those where the best days. Going into my freshman year of high school, I didn’t know what to expect. There’s a thing called “preseason” before the year begins and people always used to tell me how hard it was. So going my first day I was nervous. Yes, preseason was a challenge and at times very difficult, but when you put your mind into something you could achieve anything. So that’s what I did. Preseason actually taught me a lot of discipline. It showed me that if you want something bad enough you will push yourself. If you didn’t attend one day you were behind of all the people who were there.  This made me want to go everyday. By the end of preseason I was happy that I pushed myself. I was now on varsity and living my dream.

Time management is another big thing you have to realize when playing sports. Varsity soccer took up a lot of time during the week, so you had to find time to do your homework. Most of my homework was done on the bus going to games so I knew it was done and I didn’t have to do it when I got home. You have to realize that when you play a high school sport, everything has to revolve around it. You have to realize whats more important.

I had always dreamed of playing soccer in college and maybe going further. But one day changed it. I was playing in a game and the next I knew I was having knee surgery. I couldn’t play my last year of high school because I was in a full leg cast and on crutches. This hurt a little because I knew that my senior year was the time for college reps. to recruit.  I knew my dream had ended when the year was up and I was still on crutched. My knee was no where near healing. It took almost a year and a half to get a little better, and its still to this day is not healed all the way. I’m in college now and still wishing I could play

Outcast United

I’ve never liked to read so when I got the book Outcast United I was like “oh great.” They had given this assignment to all incoming freshman to read during the summer. At first I was questioning reading it, but then I realized that I’m in college now and there are going to be thing I don’t like but have to do. I realized that I had to start college off right, so I read it. As I began to read it, I thought it was boring and I didn’t like it. As I went a little further into the book it had gotten a little more interesting. Outcast united was about a woman named Luma and her team the refugees. Warren St. John, the author of Outcast United, made people realize what a family really means. Luma was like the refugees “mom.” I feel that luma to the refugees was their “freedom”. She was someone they looked up to and understood. Not only was Luma a coach she was someone who was there if you needed to talk. Luma taught them discipline. The Refugees basically started their own little community. I believe that Luma wanted to give these kids a better life then they had. Some refugees had seen the war and even were affected by the bombing. This book can relate to today’s world because today there are still people out their in war fighting for their lives and fighting for freedom. And just like luma, who wanted to give the refugees better life, there’s always someone out their helping by donating money to wars, or even some who may adopt to give people the life they deserve. Another thing I think this book relates to is diversity. Diversity is a big thing in today’s world. College I feel is the place where u will see the most diversity. For me this wasn’t a shocker because my high school was very diverse unlike others who came from only one race schools. There were people who believed different thing and enjoyed doing different things, etc. This made college easier to adjust I feel because I was one step ahead of everyone else.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Overcome the challenge

   The biggest challenge for me coming to college was being shy. Throughout my years of school i was always the quietest one who didnt say much. I still am. I walked into the university and was very overwhelmed. There were so many people and i didnt know any of them. I didnt think that it was going to be possible to meet knew people. I realized that i just made this big step in getting to college and why waste my time being the shy one. I want to make my college experience fun and enjoyable and i cant do that sitting in the corner not talking. It was time to "step out of my shell." 

  By the third or fourth day of college i still was having trouble "breaking the shell," but then the day came when i opened my mouth. I was always scared what people would think of me. But now, i realize i shouldn't care what others think. I met a lot of new people and am glad that i "broke that shell."

  Even though i was now meeting people i was still the shy one in class. I hate talking in front of classes or even answering questions when the teacher asks them. I have a fear that whatever comes out of my mouth is always wrong. I feel that people are going to laugh because i said something wrong. Being shy is hard when going to another environment your not used to. If theres any advice i could give to those that are shy, i would have to say, just go for it and "break that shell" early, because you'll never know what would have happened if you don't open up.

TeChNoLoGy In ToDaYs WoRlD

               As i looked at the assignment i had thought the "omg this is a lot of readings." I thought that they were going to be boring and I wouldn't want to read them. What i found was that the articles were really good and interesting. I felt that this article "The Risks of Parenting While Plugged In" was one of the more interesting ones. The article was mainly about how parents pay more attention to technology.

              I feel that children need alot of attention from their parents, especially when they are young. Children need to know that they are loved and have someone to talk to. Technology gets in the way between a parent and their child. Because of all the high tech. phones, and computer people have become inseparable from them. People have forgotten what the most important thing is, their kids.

             I believe that children are going to feel neglected if parent keep neglecting them for technology. Parents should realize that while they are ignoring their children, they could be missing big things in their childs lives. When the parent does have time for the child, i feel that the child wont be in the mood to talk then. If something they had to tell them was important, by the time the parent wants to talk it wont be that important.

           Something else i believe is that the parents are the role model to their child and if they are always on the phone or on the computer, the child may believe it is all right for them to do it to.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

As i grew up, i learned the most important word that would help me through life. "Family". I realized as years went on, that whenever something went wrong or i needed advise, family was always there to help. Family was the key to me doing good and being successful in school. Everytime i had a project due, who was always there to help: family. Whenever my projects werent done and i stayed up late, i wasnt the only one up, family was always there supporting. If there was ever a problem and i needed someone to talk to i always knew that i had my family to tell and not get judged. "family" are the people who are the people you look up to. If i didnt have family growing up, i wouldnt be the person i am today.

Have you ever had a dream to do something? Well ever since i was five ive had a dream to become a professional soccer player. I loved being on the field and being able to enjoy something i really liked doing. As i got older i wanted it more and more, and practiced harder and basically was at practice most of the week. High school came and i was kind of living my dream already. I was on the varsity team and enjoying it. My dream to play in college was looking really good, until my senior year. Going into senior year i tore many things in my knee and needed surgery. There went my dream. I was out for a year and a half and still not heeled fully. Soccer was one thing that really made me happy. Ever since then i go to watch my team play and cheer them on because even though im not on that field, some part of me is.

Being shy was one of the most difficult struggles through school. If you are shy you could relate. Growing up i was always the quiet kid in school. Many people thought that i was stuck up because i didnt talk much, but this wasnt true. I was just shy. People always ask me kno if i would change being shy if i could go back. In my opinion i believe that being shy has made me the individual i am now. Now being in college i am still shy, but not as bad. Even though i would have met more people if i wasnt shy, i enjoyed just having the friends i had. I didnt wanna be the big "popular" one in school because i didnt want all the attention on me.

Throught school theres one thing that i have learned is the most important thing to succeed. Responsibility. Throughout my life i have had to realize what that word actually ment. I have 8 sisters and brothers, and had to be the help in the fmaily. Responsibility was a big thing to have. If we didnt have it nothing was going to get done. You had to be able to know when things were due, know what time you had to be places, and you always had to be around if someone needed babysitting. When kids are younger they feel they dont need responsibility until they are adults, but that isnt true. Having learned it since i was little made me a better person. Responsibility has helped me with my career that i have chosen. Being a elementary and special education teacher requires alot of responsibilities.

I would consider my self very loving. I have a big heart when it comes to things. I love to go out of my way to help people do things. When someone needs someone to talk to i am always there. I would also consider myself caring. I am always the one to make sure that everyone is safe. I am always the one to make sure everyone get home at night. These characeristics i feel have come from when i was growing up.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

An adventure to success

what is college really? At first i didnt really know.i believe that college is a place to help you find responsibility. all through elementary school, middle school, and even  high school, students are guided along. there are always teachers around "holding your hands" making sure things get done. eventually that ends. college comes around and it shows you how independent you have to be. At this point the only person you could rely on is yourself. i also believe that college is a place to meet new people. i feel that coming to college i have met a wide variety of people that i wouldnt have met if i didnt come to college. College is defined differently by every person. Being able to go to college was a big goal fore me. i am the first child in my family to be able to go. It made me proud to be able to say that i have accomplished my goal i have had since i was a little girl.personally i feel that college is going to make me realize how to manage my time wisley and how important is it to go to college. i feel that goin to college will give you more of a wide range of job selections as you start entering into your career. As you apply for a job, many managers prefer people who have college degrees. It is very hard to find a good job without a college degree. Going through college i hope to be able to become a special education and elementary teacher and that wouldnt be possible if i didnt learn time management, responsiblilty, and how to be able to join a community.